This is my pair of cranes that I got at Target several years ago. I just love them!
This deep pink astilbe is SO pretty!!!! I wish I had some white hydrangeas to pair with it.
One lone daylilly blooming here:)
I love my fish in the pond. We placed them on bricks to raise them so they look like they are swimming. Kinda;)
Sorry this one of the waterfall is blurry.
Joe built this swing many years ago. Last year we stained the frame black. I love it and will miss it. Maybe he will build us a new one in the new house!!!!
I have 10 hydrangea bushes around the property. ALL of them were plucked out of the TRASH at the florist where I used to work!!!!! They were little tiny plants when we put them in. Now look at them!
This is a shot of the back deck and patio below.
I have 6 hydrangeas out front.
They are in various stages of bloom right now.
We spread 15 yards of mulch this year. In past years we have spread 30 yards! That comes in a truck almost as big as a tractor trailer. It is a MOUNTAIN of mulch:):) We were young and stronger then:):)
TA DA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sign went up last night!!!!!! And I just got a call for a showing tomorrow!!!!!!!!! PLEASE say a little prayer for a quick sale.
Thanks so much for your visit. I so appreciate all of you faithful follwers. I am joining these parties:
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
Cowgirl Up! at Cedar Hill Ranch
Tuesday’s Treasures at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
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