Today is a fun 'this is your life' kind of day. My friend Linda, Calling it Home fame and creator of the One Room Challenge, is having a party today. Everyone and anyone who has participated in the One Room Challenge over the years will be giving updates on their rooms.

Projects that were unfinished, changes that were made, or just the general state of the room today will all be shared.

As for me, not much has changed in the girls' room by way of additions or changes.

Full disclosure it looks like this most of the time. True life. (my mom is horrified right now).

Herbie did get some new bright orange poppies which he is very happy about.

And I did get a pom pom garland on clearance after Christmas that I'll use as a tie back for the corner window. Current version styled by my three-year-old assistant.

So the girls still love the room, I still love the room. The room is well loved.

The family room is pretty much the same story.

All the major players are still in place, it just has a more...lived in patina now. I won't blind you with the general state of toy tornado that that room seems to be in. Even I have my sharing limits. :)

So that's my ORC update. All is pretty quite on the western front. Be sure to go over to Linda's to see what everyone else's rooms are up to now. I can't wait to check them out!

And don't forget to sign up for my Wash Away Winter giveaway! You could be smelling sweet in no time.


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