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~~~Decorating With Shells for Summer!!!~~~~~~Decorating With Shells for Summer!!!~~~

 Good morning my friends! The other day I FINALLY got my shell collection out before summer is over (couldn't find the boxes at first):). I still am missing one large shell that I know of but I wanted to place some around the house. Of course I started at the stairway in the foyer. All of these star…

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~~~Some Garden Shots~~~~~~Some Garden Shots~~~

Today is a beautiful, sunny day and I thought I would take some shots around the yard. I actually got the idea from Kim, her gardens are MUCH prettier than ours but we are starting from scratch....again:) However, flowers just make me happy so I thought I would share. Enjoy! This first shot is the c…

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~~~BEE Happy, Sunny Yellow Table!!!~~~~~~BEE Happy, Sunny Yellow Table!!!~~~

 Hello! Does a sunny yellow table just make you smile? It does me. Of course, adding a touch of black and white just makes me swoon!!!! I found the gingham checked tablecloth at CTS and knew what I wanted to do. Set a pretty table just for YOU! So, please, come and sit with me and we'll look around.…

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